The South Sound Chambers of Commerce Legislative Coalition--comprised 8 Chambers representing 3,262 businesses that employ more than 185,977 workers--weighed in with House transportation budget leaders this week on the importance of completing State Route 167.

In a letter to House Transportation Committee Chair Judy Clibborn this week, SSCCLC Chair Terry Davis wrote, "In addition to the positive impacts for our region the projects are important for congestion relief and freight mobility – particularly for the State’s two largest ports. This will increase our ability to export goods from our State’s manufacturers, rural communities and agricultural areas and improve our ability to remain globally competitive in the import of goods from overseas. With over 80,000 permanent jobs predicted to be created as a result of the SR-167 completion and 17,000 predicted as a result of the SR-509 completion, the "Puget Sound Gateway" alone has the power to bring significant long-term jobs benefit to our State."

Here's a copy of the Coalition's full letter:

SSCCLC Letter to Clibborn

UPDATE: Senate Transportation Committee Co-chairs Curtis King and Tracey Eide met with the SSCCLC Board of Directors earlier today and voiced their strong support for SR-167. "There needs to be more money for mega projects like SR-167 and SR-509," said King. "If you ask anyone in the know what the most important projects are, they'd say SR-167 and SR-509. It affects the ports; it affects Puget Sound; it affects Eastern Washington. We need to have the intestinal fortitude to find enough money to finish these projects."

Senator Eide agreed: "I think it is so important to the backbone of the overall economy-- 40% of jobs in Washington are connected to international trade. If you don't get this done, you ought to have your head examined."