Former U.S. Speaker of the House Tip O’Neil once opined, “All politics is local.” This is particularly true when it comes to transportation.

When your local transportation network is failing, the impacts can be severe. Take for example, the City of Fife.

The City of Fife understands more than anyone the importance of completing State Route 167. This highway of statewide significance is critical to move products grown and made in Washington state to the Port of Tacoma for export overseas. It is also essential to relieve local congestion that results from these exports.

These local impacts are detailed in an excellent piece produced by the City of Fife. For example, 85 percent of truck trips to the Port of Tacoma pass through Fife.

“This project is of critical importance to Fife because currently regional truck traffic to and from the Port of Tacoma flow through the city on city streets,” explains Russ Blount, City of Fife public works director. “This results in traffic congestion, as well as increased wear and tear of local roads, which decrease the usable pavement life resulting in higher street maintenance costs. Streets in the City of Fife will be gridlocked if anticipated growth occurs in the absence of a completed State Route 167.”

This congestion relief is good not only for the citizens of Fife, but also the environment. The City estimates that carbon emissions will be reduced by 150 tons every year.

For more information, check out the City of Fife’s web page.