The Port strives to keep our waterways clean by preventing pollution, educating tenants, and implementing new programs and technologies to manage stormwater in an industrial setting. Learn more about how the Port manages stormwater.

Stormwater guide for tenants


If you need a Municipal Permit (MS4)

This permit runs with the land.  Tenants not subject to another National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit such as the Industrial or Boatyard Permit are still subject to this permit.  Tenants must prepare, submit, and manage their site to a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (link to template).  Port of Tacoma staff may enter a tenant site annually to ensure tenant operations are not contributing any pollution sources to the Port’s stormwater infrastructure.

If you need an Industrial Permit (ISGP)

This permit is driven by operational types. Typically in the Tideflats, the driver is vehicle maintenance including mobile fueling of vehicles.  Tenants must decide whether they are subject to this permit and if so, must develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, a sampling plan, site employee training and other permit obligations. The link to the permit and an Ecology template for a SWPPP is here.